Rich Daly

About the Author

Rich Daly

Latest Work

Association Health Plans Advance Over Hospital Concerns

March 20—Congressional Republicans and small-business advocates this week rejected hospital concerns that proposed rules to allow a proliferation of association health plans (AHPs) would produce a range of problems.

Rich Daly March 21, 2018

340B Hospitals and Drugmakers Battle Over Transparency

March 16—Supporters and critics of the 340B discount drug program agree that more transparency is needed, but they remain sharply divided over who needs to be transparent and what such reporting should include.

Rich Daly March 16, 2018

March 19-23 Policy Watch: Push to Include ACA Marketplace Stabilization in Funding Bill

March 15—Healthcare leaders are renewing their push to include a stabilization measure in a must-pass federal funding bill that is required by the end of next week.

Rich Daly March 16, 2018

MACRA Improvements Coming, CMS Official Says

March 13—A series of regulatory changes are coming to the Medicare physician payment system this year, including an effort to ease quality-data reporting by hospital-employed physicians.

Rich Daly March 14, 2018

Where Is the Federal Government Going on Value-Based Pay?

March 9—Comments from the leader of federal healthcare policy disparaging the leading value-based payment models and hinting at new directions left some industry analysts confused, but others saw evidence of emerging models.  

Rich Daly March 9, 2018

March 12-16 Policy Watch: Congress to Review Drug Price Controls in Budget

March 8—The Trump administration has begun to put specifics behind its standing priority to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, including in its budget, which will be reviewed by a congressional panel next week.

Rich Daly March 8, 2018

Will CMS Allow Limits on Medicaid Eligibility?

March 7—Federal officials this week approved the third Medicaid waiver that requires work or other steps by beneficiaries but put off a decision on the key question of limiting eligibility.

Rich Daly March 8, 2018

How One ACA Insurer Had Its Best Year in 2018

March 6—In a year when individual-market insurance enrollment dipped nationally, the dominant insurer in Florida had its largest enrollment yet.

Rich Daly March 7, 2018

Azar: Time to Move Value-Based Payment Beyond ACOs, Bundles

March 5—The new leader of healthcare policy for the federal government says it’s time to advance value-based payment efforts beyond accountable care organizations (ACOs) and bundled payment initiatives.

Rich Daly March 6, 2018

340B Reporting Bill Draws Hospital Worry

March 5—Hospitals are concerned that new transparency legislation will leave the wrong impression about a federal discount drug program that’s come under fire from pharmaceutical companies.

Rich Daly March 5, 2018