Rich Daly

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Rich Daly

Latest Work

Even Successful Medicare ACOs Lose Money: Analysis

Aug. 22—Accountable care organizations (ACOs) that succeeded in earning bonuses from Medicare garnered less revenue than they would have under the fee-for-service (FFS) payment system, a recent analysis found.

Rich Daly August 23, 2018

ACA Medicaid Enrollment Draws Administration Scrutiny

Aug. 21—States that broadly exceeded their Medicaid expansion enrollment projections will be among those targeted in recently launched eligibility audits, a senior administration official told Congress this week.

Rich Daly August 22, 2018

Administration Touts Some Drug Price Improvements

Aug. 20—One hundred days after the Trump administration’s release of a blueprint to cut drug costs and out-of-pocket expenses, administration officials touted some signs of progress.

Rich Daly August 21, 2018

ACO Advocates Warn on Program Overhaul

Aug. 13—A proposed overhaul of Medicare’s primary accountable care organization (ACO) program could cause massive departures, advocates for the entities warned soon after it was issued.

Rich Daly August 14, 2018

Aug. 13-17: Senate to Vote on HHS Funding

Aug. 10—The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would receive a small increase and funding for several hospital priorities under a FY19 funding bill that the Senate is expected to vote on next week.

Rich Daly August 10, 2018

CMS Official: Logistical Limits Restricting New Payment Models

Aug. 8—Medicare has not approved more alternative payment models—despite calls by many hospitals and physicians for more of them—due to limits in time, staff, and funding, a Medicare executive said.

Rich Daly August 9, 2018

Are Employers Rethinking High-Deductible Plans?

Aug. 7—Employers that provide insurance for their workers are expressing an unusual degree of reluctance about high-deductible health plans (HDHPs).

Rich Daly August 8, 2018

IPPS Rule Includes Pay Bump, Reporting Simplification

Aug. 6—More than 3,000 hospitals will receive an average increase of nearly 3 percent in their Medicare inpatient payment rates—along with a slew of policy changes—under a recently issued final rule.

Rich Daly August 7, 2018

What’s Driving Increased Hospital Cost Concerns?

Cost control eclipsed revenue growth as the top priority among health system CEOs, according to Advisory Board’s Annual Health Care CEO Survey.

Rich Daly August 6, 2018

In Q2, Hospital M&A Slows, Practice Acquisition Stays Flat

Aug. 3—The merger-and-acquisition (M&A) momentum in health care during the second quarter of the year switched from hospitals to physician practices, according to tracking companies.

Rich Daly August 6, 2018