Rich Daly
About the Author
Rich Daly is senior editor, policy affairs with HFMA, based in Alabama. His healthcare policy and finance reporting experience includes staff writer positions with Modern Healthcare and Congressional Quarterly (both focused on healthcare regulatory and legislative developments); editor-in-chief of 340B Report (the only news outlet focused on daily policy, legal, and business developments in the 340B program); and serving as a content director for Sg2/Vizient Inc (producing reports on financial pain points and solutions for health systems). He previously covered daily news for HFMA and wrote features for Healthcare Financial Management magazine, where his recognitions included the Stephen Barr Award (the only individual achievement award) from the American Society of Business Publication Editors.
Latest Work
Coronavirus leaves hospital financing in flux
Hospital’s long-term financing efforts have been disrupted by the coronavirus driving investors away from such offerings, say advisers.
Hospitals face staffing ‘domino effect’ from the coronavirus outbreak, adviser says
The novel coronavirus and family demands are expected to stress hospital staffing levels in new ways.
Hospitals should increase capacity in response to the coronavirus, former HHS secretary says
Hospitals should prepare for an inpatient surge due to the novel coronavirus. Options include moving private rooms back to semiprivate status.
National emergency declared, with hospital provisions included, in response to the coronavirus
President Donald Trump declared a national emergency, which will provide a range of funding and policies aimed at boosting hospital responsiveness to the spread of the coronavirus.
March 16-20: CMS deadlines approach amid ongoing cancellations of healthcare finance events
A complete listing of healthcare finance-related hearings, conferences, webinars, public forums and deadlines for the week of March 16.
March 9-13: HIMSS is among the first wave of cancellations to hit upcoming healthcare finance events
A complete listing of healthcare finance-related hearings, conferences, webinars, public forums and deadlines for the week of March 9.
$7.8 billion coronavirus legislation includes hospital support
Congress is quickly advancing a coronavirus funding package that will address some hospital preparation priorities.
Disaster fund may pay hospitals for uninsured coronavirus patients
The Trump administration is considering using a federal disaster fund to pay hospitals for care of uninsured patients who are sick from the coronavirus.
Azar warns about hospital overcrowding if the public overreacts to the coronavirus
People could swamp hospitals if they overreact to the novel coronavirus, the senior federal healthcare official warned Congress this week.
HHS Secretary Azar urges healthcare providers to watch for patients who have traveled to China
As part of efforts to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Trump administration recommends that providers screen feverish patients for recent travel to China.