Rich Daly

About the Author

Rich Daly

HFMA Senior Editor

Location: Downers Grove, IL

Rich Daly is senior editor, policy affairs with HFMA, based in Alabama. His healthcare policy and finance reporting experience includes staff writer positions with Modern Healthcare and Congressional Quarterly (both focused on healthcare regulatory and legislative developments); editor-in-chief of 340B Report (the only news outlet focused on daily policy, legal, and business developments in the 340B program); and serving as a content director for Sg2/Vizient Inc (producing reports on financial pain points and solutions for health systems). He previously covered daily news for HFMA and wrote features for Healthcare Financial Management magazine, where his recognitions included the Stephen Barr Award (the only individual achievement award) from the American Society of Business Publication Editors.

Latest Work

Hospital M&A hardly has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

The number of hospital M&A deals in the spring of 2020 was little affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and its severe financial effects.

Rich Daly July 8, 2020

Hospitals scramble to meet price transparency requirements after court decision

Hospitals have a lot of costly work to do to meet CMS requirements to publicly post the rates they negotiate with health plans.

Rich Daly July 7, 2020

110,000 Medicare beneficiaries were hospitalized for COVID-19 by mid-May

By mid-May, hospitals had treated 110,000 Medicare beneficiaries for COVID-19.

Rich Daly June 26, 2020

Hospital margins positive in May due to temporary federal boost, report finds

Federal assistance temporarily boosted hospital margins in May into positive territory.

Rich Daly June 25, 2020

CARES Act accounting implications will vary by healthcare type

The accounting rules for providers receiving funding through the CARES Act will vary widely by provider type.

Rich Daly June 24, 2020

Bundled payment participants face choices on 2020 performance measurement, continued participation

CMS further detailed how hospitals should evaluate their 2020 options and whether to continue in the BPCI-A model.

Rich Daly June 22, 2020

CMS aims to spur value-based payment arrangements between drugmakers and insurers, including Medicaid

CMS says rule changes would allow more outcomes-based payment arrangements for Medicaid programs and commercial health plans.

Rich Daly June 19, 2020

Congress presses for some telehealth expansion policies to remain after COVID-19

Members of Congress increasingly support making permanent temporary policies that eased use of telehealth services.

Rich Daly June 18, 2020

Medicare reopens application period for Direct Contracting models

CMS opened the application process for Direct Contracting models to more providers.

Rich Daly June 17, 2020

COVID-19 pandemic weakens push for public option

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have weakened the push of states to implement public option health plans.

Rich Daly June 16, 2020