Nick Hut

About the Author

Nick Hut

Latest Work

How one provider organization uses data reporting and analytics to transform healthcare operations

As part of HFMA’s Digital Annual Conference, leaders with Privia Health explained how they have applied a multistage process to optimize their data-reporting procedures and analytics platform.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

Digital Annual Conference featured session will provide insight on applying behavioral economics to drive patient engagement

The field of behavioral economics offers key insights for healthcare stakeholders, including how to promote positive patient behaviors.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

HFMA Digital Annual Conference featured session will examine how healthcare providers can employ innovative strategies to grow revenue

Healthcare providers that think creatively and synergistically can overcome the daunting financial challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and find exciting opportunities for growth.

Nick Hut January 22, 2021

HHS postpones deadline for hospitals to comply with Provider Relief Fund reporting requirements

With new legislation having modified the rules governing the reporting of Provider Relief Fund payments, HHS has indefinitely postponed the Feb. 15 reporting deadline.

Nick Hut January 20, 2021

New legislation seeks to take unwelcome surprises out of patient billing

A new law called The No Surprises Act is designed to prevent healthcare consumers from getting stuck with potentially large bills after receiving out-of-network care.

Nick Hut January 11, 2021

Reimagining the healthcare supply chain to bolster resilience and efficiency

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare supply chain leaders are considering new approaches to sourcing, inventory management, analytics and technology.

Nick Hut December 18, 2020

‘This is what I’m able to do’: New fund seeks to help address racial inequities in healthcare

Nashville-based entrepreneur Marcus Whitney has launched a venture capital fund that will support Black-led healthcare business endeavors.

Nick Hut December 2, 2020

7 ways to improve collaboration between finance and clinical leadership

By taking the right approach to collaboration, healthcare finance and clinical leaders can improve results for their patients and their organizations.

Nick Hut July 27, 2020

‘A mountain of work’: Lessons from 2 organizations that restarted elective procedures after the COVID-19 moratorium

Leaders with two provider organizations that resumed elective procedures as COVID-19 began to ebb in their markets describe the most important considerations.

Nick Hut May 26, 2020

Enhanced care coordination provides a blueprint for optimal healthcare, former VA Secretary David Shulkin says

The U.S. healthcare system will thrive if leaders and policymakers take steps to promote holistic care and better access, says David Shulkin, MD, former secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Nick Hut May 5, 2020