Laura Ramos Hegwer
About the Author
Laura Ramos Hegwer
Latest Work
Mayo Clinic Laboratories uses data, clinician teams to identify cost savings
Just one lab utilization initiative can have a massive financial impact, says Andrew Cousin of Mayo Clinic Laboratories. Don’t be so overwhelmed by the scope that you do not take that first small step.
Hospitals Save When They Reduce Food Waste
Addressing food waste can help the environment and hospitals’ bottom lines.
Using artificial intelligence to uncover social determinants of health
Natural language processing can help providers discover patients’ social needs from the vast amounts of unstructured data in electronic health records.
Boosting Accountability Helps ProMedica Save $108 Million in 2018
Each year, leaders at ProMedica set a 3 percent cost-reduction goal, which they believe is achievable and still has a significant impact on the bottom line.
Viewing Sustainability Through the Cost-Savings Lens
Sustainability strategies like installing fluid management systems in the operating rooms (ORs) can improve safety and reduce waste and associated costs.
How data provides vital insight into the social determinants of health
Analytics programs that identify patients with social determinants of health can have clinical as well as financial benefits for healthcare providers.
Focusing on facilities for sustainable cost savings
By implementing a campus consolidation, leaders at Boston Medical Center have saved millions of dollars per year on facility costs while substantially increasing patient volume.
Catalyzing Cost Transformation at a Rural Hospital
Leaders at a rural hospital use metrics reviews to identify areas of sustainable cost reduction.
Who Should Own a Healthcare Organization’s Cost Transformation Efforts?
To take costs out of the budget for good, organizations should establish cost reduction goals for leaders at every level. Why do so many hospitals’ cost transformation efforts get stuck after leaders have trimmed.
Testing a model for better coordination of care in the community
Providers are using analytics to drive partnerships with community service organizations to address social determinants of health.