Ken Perez

About the Author

Ken Perez

Latest Work

Medicare Advantage for More: A Pragmatic Alternative to Medicare for All

An expansion of Medicare Advantage presents an opportunity for the U.S. to test the waters of a single-payer system.

Ken Perez July 27, 2018

The Critical Role of Health Systems in the Nation’s Response to the Opioid Crisis

Although state and federal programs dedicated to the opioid crisis are helpful, communities—specifically hospitals and health systems—must be dedicated to making improvements. 

Ken Perez June 29, 2018

How Health Policy Contributed to the Recent Mega-Mergers Involving National Health Plans

Ken Perez discusses the potential for vertical mergers within health care.

Ken Perez May 29, 2018

The Current Outlook for Value-Based Care Under the Trump Administration

Value initiatives introduced by the Affordable Care Act have met with varied success. Under the Trump administration, the future of these initiatives is uncertain.

Ken Perez April 25, 2018

What the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Means for Health Care

The Tax Cuts and Jobs act will affect health care in various ways.

Ken Perez March 1, 2018

The Changing Health Policy Debate and the Unyielding Imperative of Value-Based Care

Republican efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act have been temporarily put on hold while the party focuses on tax reform.

Ken Perez December 20, 2017

The Fiscal Realities of a Single Payer Healthcare System

More Americans are in favor of a single-payer approach to health care, but the financial ramifications should be fully explored.

Ken Perez October 27, 2017

Three Strikes Against the Idea that Coverage Reduces ED Use

Ken Perez describes three case studies showing that expanded coverage increases emergency department use.

Ken Perez August 31, 2017

The Opioid Funding Controversy: A Portent of the Upcoming Bipartisan Healthcare Reform Debate

The continuing efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act could open doors for advocacy groups to revisit aspects of the legislation they want to change.

Ken Perez August 23, 2017

The Price is Not Right: The Unsustainability of the ACA Insurance Marketplaces

As legislators continue to work toward a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, insurers are leaving the marketplaces.

Ken Perez June 20, 2017