Ken Perez

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Ken Perez

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Herd immunity and the prospect of seeing an end to the COVID-19 crisis

There are widespread expectations that the United States will achieve herd immunity against COVID-19 within the coming year, and possibly by this summer.

Ken Perez April 28, 2021

The fall of Haven, but the persistence of Amazon

Although many might have viewed the decision by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase to shut down Haven, their ambitious joint venture, as a setback for Amazon, in particular, there is good reason to believe Amazon has not given up plans for a deeper involvement in healthcare.

Ken Perez February 22, 2021

‘Bidencare’: What’s achievable?

The new Biden administration could achieve either of two scenarios in the realm of health policy: One would involve bold changes to health policy, whereas the other, which is more likely, would involve less-ambitious reforms that can garner bipartisan support.

Ken Perez January 22, 2021

6 common ground healthcare issues that may help in overcoming discord

In the nation's current political climate and the prevailing partisan divide, healthcare is home to six issues where there is political common ground that could lead to bipartisan solutions.

Ken Perez October 29, 2020

U.S. stands at the forefront of efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine

Given the importance of finding a vaccine to stem the spread of COVID-19, more than 40 governments, including the U.S. federal government in a prominent role, are subsidizing the development efforts with enormous levels of funding.

Ken Perez September 28, 2020

What would the Biden-Sanders recommendations mean for hospitals?

Former U.S. Vice president Joe Biden has focused on protecting and building on the Affordable Care Act within his presidential campaign. His policy stances touch on three areas of focus: access, quality and cost.

Ken Perez September 1, 2020

6 major long-term implications for the nation’s healthcare system post-COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the nation has historical implications. Among the various national responses, we likely will see investments in strengthening hospitals’ abilities to deploy temporary facilities, draw upon backup staffing and build stockpiles of key items.

Ken Perez May 11, 2020

2020 will see healthcare policy mired in inaction

Political polarization has posed a barrier to Congressional action in important areas of concern in healthcare, and these areas will likely not be addressed until after the 2020 presidential election.

Ken Perez March 31, 2020

Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare-for-All plan: The devil in the details

Any objective analysis of Elizabeth Warren’s proposal for Medicare for All should consider its enormous societal and federal costs, and its likely impacts on the health insurance industry and hospitals.

Ken Perez January 31, 2020

It’s time to acknowledge the success of CMS’s MSSP

Eye on Washington: The Medicare Shared Savings Program has achieved some noteworthy successes, and the program's continued ability to be successful will depend on physician leadership and involvement.

Ken Perez December 2, 2019