Jill Geisler

About the Author

Jill Geisler

Latest Work

How to use influence to enhance your powers of persuasion in the workplace

To exert influence, leaders should strive to establish credibility, reliability and empathy and know how to connect with different members of their teams.

Jill Geisler January 26, 2021

For leaders, a trying holiday season is no time for compassion fatigue

As national and global events add to the stress that many already feel during the holidays, leaders can do their part to give team members reason to celebrate.

Jill Geisler December 16, 2020

New Year’s resolutions for leaders as they get ready to leave a challenging year behind

The year 2021 brings the promise of big improvement over 2020, and leaders should be thinking about ways to help their organizations capitalize on pending developments.

Jill Geisler December 9, 2020

How leaders can address defensiveness in the workplace to foster productivity and harmony

If not dealt with properly, defensiveness can affect both the workplace environment and a leader’s ability to manage effectively, writes HFMA contributing expert Jill Geisler.

Jill Geisler October 27, 2020

The defining traits of a successful leader-deputy relationship, and how to make it happen

Leaders should understand the vital importance of choosing the right second-in-command.

Jill Geisler October 12, 2020

Tamping down fear: How leaders can help their employees manage unprecedented anxiety levels

With fear, stress and anxiety surging amid current events, leaders of organizations should set a tone of calm and reassurance.

Jill Geisler September 28, 2020

How leaders should respond to social justice issues for the benefit of their employees and organization

In response to the ongoing social justice movement, leaders should thoroughly examine their organizations’ systems and policies.

Jill Geisler August 3, 2020

The office of the future: What leaders must consider as they design post-pandemic workplaces

Leaders face the challenge of establishing a safe and productive office environment as healthcare administrative offices ramp back up following the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jill Geisler June 11, 2020

The slow transition back to normal after COVID-19: How leaders can help their teams

Several guiding principles can help leaders steer their teams and organizations back to something approaching normalcy following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jill Geisler May 15, 2020

How a time management audit can help leaders bring order to their schedules

Leaders can carve out a time management strategy by conducting an audit that examines their own duties, assumptions and preferences, writes Jill Geisler, HFMA’s contributing subject-matter expert on leadership topics.

Jill Geisler April 16, 2020