Jill Geisler

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Jill Geisler

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Jill Geisler cautions healthcare finance leaders to beware of blind spots and biases

You’re a good leader. You work hard, care deeply and want your people to succeed. You take part in trainings and programs to elevate your skills and the culture you lead. You read columns like this to pick up management tips. And you don’t stop reading when you get to the uncomfortable message of this…

Jill Geisler April 11, 2023

Jill Geisler: 4 ways to give positive feedback with impact

May I give you a pleasant assignment? Think about a high performer on your team. Next, write a few bullet points about what that person does to earn your high regard. Finally, take 90 seconds and format it as a message to that person. This is a class exercise I use when teaching managers about…

Jill Geisler March 15, 2023

Jill Geisler: When leading a multi-generational team, avoid stereotypes

There are five generations in today’s workforce: Silent, boomers, Generation X, millennials and Generation Z. They can range in age from 18 to 80 ― and all just might be working for the same organization! The secret to managing across generations It’s simple: Avoid stereotyping people by their ages. That may fly in the face…

Jill Geisler February 15, 2023

Jill Geisler: Resolve to upgrade your communication in 2023

What are your key goals for 2023? You’ve probably established your business goals for the year ahead. But what about personal goals?  What can you do to improve your leadership effectiveness and benefit your team? Let me offer a worthy resolution: In 2023, pledge to upgrade the quality of your communication. It’s a critical part…

Jill Geisler January 16, 2023

Jill Geisler: How inclusive leaders protect against ‘invisible work’

DEI efforts within organizations can result in extra work for key staff. Jill Geisler shares tips for how leaders can ensure this does not become invisible work that imposes an unrecognized burden.

Jill Geisler October 13, 2022

Jill Geisler: Are you creating quiet quitters or preventing them?

Quiet quitting is a current workplace hot topic. Jill Geisler discusses the trend and the role that leaders can play in either preventing — or perpetuating — it.

Jill Geisler October 12, 2022

Jill Geisler: Focus on substance rather than your leadership style

Leadership style labels have been around for decades. Jill Geisler shares why prioritizing substance over style is more helpful and explains what that looks like for today’s leaders.

Jill Geisler September 13, 2022

Jill Geisler: How to navigate the transition from team member to team leader

Being promoted from within can be challenging. Jill Geisler shares how to avoid common pitfalls and successfully transition from team member to team leader.

Jill Geisler August 11, 2022

Jill Geisler on crisis management: Lead like Zelenskyy

Leaders must be prepared to respond to critical situations. Looking to the example currently being set by Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Jill Geisler discusses what leaders need to know and do.

Jill Geisler May 11, 2022

Jill Geisler: Empathetic leadership: What it is and why it’s important for healthcare finance leaders

Jill Geisler explains empathetic leadership and its importance for healthcare leaders. She shares ways to cultivate empathy and highlights its potential downside.

Jill Geisler March 10, 2022