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Solving revenue cycle challenges with automation: 4 tips for maximizing your ROI

The healthcare revenue cycle is ripe for the kind of transformative change that automation technologies can bring. In fact, there may be no better application for these technologies.

HFMA June 7, 2021

2 proven strategies that can help healthcare providers reduce denials and strengthen their revenue cycle

Healthcare providers should consider the use of two proven strategies to reduce claim denials: Maximize reps follow up ability and close the gap between the front end and back end with a continuous feedback loop.

HFMA June 7, 2021

3 reasons healthcare providers are eager to offer text-to-pay convenience

Healthcare providers should consider the benefits of offering a text to pay option for their patients.

HFMA May 5, 2021

5 ways to measure rep productivity

To move your performance in a positive direction and recover more cash more quickly at less cost, you need to start measuring rep productivity in meaningful, actionable ways.

HFMA March 3, 2021

Your electronic health record wasn’t built for recovering accounts receivable

Healthcare organizations can optimize accounts receivable by addressing key potential gaps.

HFMA February 7, 2021

Managing self-pay with a patient satisfaction mindset: 4 tips for success

Given the continuing growth of self-pay and rising insurance deductibles, how you collect on self-pay balances has never been more important to your financial health and prospects.

HFMA January 6, 2021

Why it’s so important for healthcare providers to discuss cost and payments with patients

The patient financial conversation is more important than ever in a time of COVID-19.

HFMA July 29, 2020

Healthcare professionals are embracing the shift to consumerism with the intent of improving the patient financial experience, survey results show

A survey conducted by HFMA and CareCredit provides insights into the state of consumerism among hospitals and health systems.

HFMA July 29, 2020