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HFMA March 3, 2022


HFMA March 3, 2022


HFMA March 3, 2022

Simplifying the revenue cycle while building resilience

“Several senior financial leaders discuss their organizations’ revenue cycle management (RCM) optimization initiatives, focusing on a variety of strategies, including eligibility checks, denials prevention programs and automation.”

HFMA March 1, 2022

Medicaid eligibility: Strategies to provide care access and maximize reimbursement

Is your hospital or healthcare system constantly seeking ways to help patients access care through Medicaid while maximizing their own reimbursement? Look no more as this sponsored survey unveils effective solutions for these challenges.

HFMA February 28, 2022

Covenant Health sees a 4.6-fold ROI by automating workflows for philanthropic medical financial aid programs

Read about this solution that combines artificial intelligence (AI) with live, human patient advocates to find philanthropic programs, appropriately match and apply those programs to patients and convert uncompensated care to cash.

HFMA February 28, 2022

Thought Leadership Retreat summary reports

Read reports from HFMA's Annual Thought Leadership Retreat.

HFMA February 26, 2022

Revenue Cycle Insights: February 2022

This month's issue leads off with the news that the federal government is taking a look at provider billing in the COVID era through audits by the Office of Inspector General.

HFMA February 15, 2022

Cost-Reduction Strategies Boost, Sustain Recovery

Persistent pandemic conditions are forcing hospitals and health systems to stretch their thinking as they set strategic goals. They are adjusting to managing fluctuating levels of care along with addressing shifts in payer mix, consumers’ demands and increasing cost pressures. These changes, combined with the challenge of inconsistent patient volumes, is putting unprecedented financial pressures…

HFMA February 4, 2022

Optimizing the revenue cycle by streamlining and automating payment collections

Nine healthcare finance professionals dive into strategies to help entities evolve to meet challenges faced by providers and payers in finding qualified employees in today’s workforce.

HFMA February 3, 2022