Christian Heuer, FHFMA, CFA, ASA
About the Author
Christian Heuer, FHFMA, CFA, ASA
Latest Work
Not-for-profit healthcare organizations should understand the benefits and risks of FASB’s new alternative accounting approach
A FASB Financial Accounting Standards Update now allows not-for-profit healthcare entities to adopt an accounting alternative previously available only to non-public business entities, but the not-for-profits may find it more beneficial not to do so.
Acquisition accounting basics to consider
The FASB’'s Accounting Standards Codification Topic 850, Business Combinations, states that such combinations generally involve five basic steps.
An 8-step checklist to help CFOs assess accounting alternatives
Finance leaders of not-for-profit healthcare organizations should follow eight steps when considering whether to adopt the accounting alternatives made available to their organizations by the FASB's Accounting Standards Update 2019-16.