HFMA Executive Councils

HFMA’s Executive Councils are where leaders from provider organizations converge to collaborate and exchange best practices within healthcare’s dynamic landscape. These intimate, dynamic think-tanks assemble industry experts for robust discussions on pressing issues and emerging trends.

If you hold a top leadership position in your organization within the sectors covered by the councils listed below, we invite you to join our executive council network. Here, we foster discussions on innovative approaches, best practices, and lessons learned, connecting healthcare executives facing similar environments or challenges. Together, we’re charting the course towards a brighter, more innovative future for healthcare. 

HFMA’s Executive Councils include:

The Strategic CFO Council has been a cornerstone for executives steering the strategic and operational goals of hospital finance. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we cultivate impactful discussions and glean insightful perspectives. 

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Plante Moran

The Large System Controller Council has brought together finance controllers from premier healthcare systems, dedicated to advancing strategic and operational objectives. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we catalyze impactful discussions and cultivate insightful perspectives. 

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Grant Thornton

The Academic Medical Center Council has been the gathering ground for executives spearheading strategic and operational initiatives within academic medical center finance. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we ignite focused discussions and unearth valuable insights. 

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Kaufman Hall 

The Revenue Cycle Executive Council has been the premier platform uniting top revenue cycle leadership from organizations boasting net revenues exceeding $3 billion. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we focus discussion around strategic and technical operational goals.

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The Council of Revenue Cycle Executives has been a pivotal hub for top revenue cycle leadership drawn from mid-size healthcare organizations, small community hospitals, and critical access hospitals alike. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, conversation is focused on strategic and technical operational revenue cycle goals. 

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The Executive Revenue Integrity Council is a recently established council bringing together revenue integrity leaders from provider and payer organization to address challenges and exchange insights. Through collaborative efforts and knowledge sharing, members gain insights into emerging trends, innovative solutions, and best practices, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards to drive sustainable financial performance while enhancing revenue integrity.

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The Financial Analytics Leadership Council serves as the nexus for health system financial analytic leadership, encompassing esteemed figures such as CIOs and VPs of Data Analytics. With a sharp focus on data governance, validation, and advanced analytics, FALCO stands at the forefront of healthcare innovation and excellence. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we drive forward the frontier of data-driven healthcare solutions. 

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The Government Reimbursement Executive Council serves as the premier gathering for top health system reimbursement leadership, honing in on critical aspects such as cost reporting, reimbursement, and regulatory oversight that shape hospital reimbursement structures nationwide. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we foster impactful discussions and insights. 

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The Value Based Healthcare Innovation Council unites a diverse array of executives, all sharing a common interest and fervor for value-based care, bundled payment systems, and alternative payment models. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we create a dynamic environment for collaboration and innovation in the pursuit of healthcare excellence. 

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The Physician Practice Executive Council convenes executives tasked with overseeing the strategic and operational objectives of integrated and independent physician groups. By maintaining an intimate and secure council culture, we foster a collaborative environment where industry leaders come together to exchange insights, address challenges, and drive innovation. 

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