Research reveals unrealized efficiencies in clinical asset management
Significant financial and operational improvements are the output of strategically managing your medical device inventory, however, reaping these rewards requires data, technology, insights and structure.
TRIMEDX recently interviewed more than 100 c-suite healthcare executives to gain valuable insight on their unique needs. This research paper shares the awareness, perceived value, and use of medical device management services by healthcare executives. It introduces the need for three capabilities: technology-enabled clinical engineering, clinical asset management informatics, and cybersecurity to achieve results.
In this paper, health systems will learn:
The most important medical equipment management needs require a comprehensive clinical asset management solution
Clinical engineering, asset utilization and lifecycle planning, and cybersecurity are the key components to a comprehensive clinical asset management solution
Inventory visibility is the foundation to proper maintenance and repairs, reducing cyber risk, and controlling capital and operational costs.
Right-sizing device inventory can realize significant financial savings in unnecessary capital purchases, repair & maintenance costs, and remediation of cyber breaches to ensure devices are ready for care delivery
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