Continuing financial difficulties have made it more crucial for hospitals to improve their resource management and bolster their workforce to manage costs without compromising the quality of care or patient access.
The operating room is a powerful place to begin on this journey, as ORs can generate up to 70% of a hospital’s revenue and up to 40% of its expenses. The potential to drive further revenue in the OR through increased case volume, while optimizing resources and staff, is enormous. This whitepaper offers healthcare leaders a roadmap to identify OR inefficiencies and address them using a “magic equation” of artificial intelligence, automation and change management. The roadmap also includes case studies from Baptist Health Jacksonville (Fla.) and The University of Kansas Health System in Kansas City.
Key learnings:
10 ways to identify OR inefficiencies
Best practices for using AI, automation and change management in the OR
Real-world results from Baptist Health Jacksonville and The University of Kansas Health System
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