North Carolina Volunteer Structure

Content Advisory Group (formerly known as Matrix)

Volunteer Placement Questionnaire

How it operates

The North Carolina Chapter has for many years organized itself using a “Matrix” structure. Every member of Matrix served on both a Council and a Committee.  The Councils represented one of the operating divisions of NCHFMA, (e.g., Programs, Membership, etc.) tasked with delivering on the Chapter’s Strategic Plan. The Committees represented the technical viewpoint of the chapter membership. Simply put the committees identified the need and the councils were responsibility for delivering on fulfilling the need.

Matrix organizations evolved from the need for an organization to manage projects that could not be efficiently completed within a single department. The structure allows for more collaboration. However, the structure can create confusion when team roles are not clearly defined. To bring more clarity to NCHFMA’s structure, Matrix was rebranded in 2020 as Matrix 2.0 – Collaborate, Network, and Solve but before we could explain and implement the rebranding, COVID-19 hit and disrupted personal and business operations, including those of NCHFMA.

Post COVID-19 the Chapter is focused on getting back to delivering on our mission to be the leading resource for healthcare financial professionals by providing excellence in education, opportunities for development of professional relationships, and effective influence on healthcare policies. We will continue to have Councils responsible for delivering on the Chapter’s Strategic Plan. The Councils for the 2023-2024 year are Programs, Education, Membership, Volunteers, Communication, and Chapter Services. The Councils will receive input from the subject matter experts on the technical Committees (Healthcare Finance, Healthcare Operations, and Compliance) who are well-versed on the current issues and challenges faced by our members. The Technical Committees and Councils collectively will be known as the NCHFMA Content Advisory Group. The Content Advisory Group has no governance responsibility but enormous impact on the Chapter’s ability to deliver on its mission.

As before, each committee member is invited to sit on a Council of their choosing. The Committees and Councils will meet at least twice a year in-person and virtually between these meetings. The Chair of each Committee or Council is responsible for the meeting cadence and tracking volunteer participation.  In keeping with our goal to provide our volunteers with the flexibility to be engaged in a way that works with their schedule, the chairs are strongly encouraged to engage volunteers through microtasks that fit with their interests and abilities. Volunteer opportunities should include in-person as well as virtual options.

If you are interested in joining the Content Advisory Group, click “I want to help” to tell us more about yourself. What special skills do you have? What are you interested in? How much time can you commit?

A Chapter leader will follow up. You can also email [email protected]

See below for more information on the various councils and committees.

The North Carolina HFMA Council Structure

Education Council Chair:

The Education Council is responsible for developing and presenting half-day, one-day and/or two-day workshops/webinars, at locations throughout the state, on topics relevant to our membership.  As a member of this council, you would be asked to assist with planning the time, subject, location, speaker and logistics for at least one workshop/webinar during the year and coordinating on site for at least one workshop per year.  Your help is needed to keep the membership informed about the many changes our industry is sure to face. 

Membership Council Chair:

The Membership Council is responsible for assuring that our chapter continues to grow by informing those in healthcare-related fields throughout the state of the benefits of HFMA membership.  The Council is also responsible for aiding member retention by mentoring new members and planning fun events for members.  Serving on this council might include serving as a new member host, assisting with a new member orientation, distributing new member marketing materials, hosting a fun member event such as group attending a sports event.  What a great way to get to know the membership! 

Program Council Chair:

The Program Council has responsibility for two major meetings a year.  You might be asked to assist in the selection of topics and speakers, host speakers at meetings and assist in their travel arrangements, prepare publicity about meetings and coordinate banquet arrangements.  This is not only a very active council, but also a very rewarding council on which to serve. 

Volunteer Council Chair:

The Volunteer Council is responsible for establishing relationships with chapter members with the goal of identifying members who wish to become more involved in chapter activities.  Members of this council focus on identifying and future chapter leaders and connect them with mentors who can help them develop their knowledge of the chapter and leadership skills. 

Communications Council Chair:

The Communications Council is responsible for producing our NCHFMA Chapter newsletter, for managing the chapters social media accounts, and ensuring the chapter’s website is current by acting as the liaison with oneHFMA which maintains the website. Serving on this council might involve writing short articles (or asking other members to write articles), taking pictures at meetings, reporting news about our members and assisting in acquiring coverage from local news media about our members, speakers or meeting topics, posting on social media current chapter news, or coordinating updates to the Chapter’s website. This council needs both creative and well-organized individuals.

Chapter Services Council Chair:

The Chapter Services Council will be asked to handle the hotel and meeting site space contracting to accommodate the Program and Education Councils along with other Chapter meetings.  This council will create a database of contracts and terms for meeting rooms, meals, refreshments, audio/visual equipment and a list of contacts with whom they will work to facilitate Chapter events.  This Council is ideal for individuals with strong negotiation, coordination and scheduling skills.  This Council will also assist with chapter administration of CVent for Education/Program registrations.  

North Carolina HFMA Committee Structure

The committee structure for the Matrix allows our Chapter to keep pace with the changing delivery of healthcare and the changing technical needs of our members.  The purpose of the committee structure is to obtain current information from subject area specialists to assist the councils with projects, papers, education topics (workshops and programs) and to gather the opinions of healthcare providers on the effect any proposed change might have on our chapter operating structure.  The committees are: 

Health Care Operations Committee:

Responsible for reviewing the present issues in hospital operations and identifying how operations might change in the fast-paced world of health care in line with changes in federal regulations; and for identifying issues in billing, patient financial services, and care transformation; provides information to councils on needed programs, workshops and projects to help provide members with information, education, and methods to deal with these changes.  This is often the committee of choice for members involved in provider operations, budgets, patient accounts, materials management, and other hospital operating activities. 

Health Care Finance Committee

Responsible for discussing current issues in hospital finance, including best practices in health care financial management, current accounting standards (both FASB and GASB), financial reporting, and IRS tax issues.  This committee provides information to councils on needed programs, workshops and projects to help provide members with information, education, and methods to deal with these changes.  This is often the committee of choice for members involved in finance, tax, or other aspects of provider financial management. 

Compliance Committee:

Responsible for identifying emerging compliance issues, such as OIG Work plan issues, IRS compliance issues, Sarbanes-Oxley issues, CON issues, HIPAA compliance issues, Stark compliance issues, other regulatory issues or proposed laws which will impact healthcare entities; identifies how NCHFMA can assist members with information, education, and methods for dealing with such emerging  compliance issues.  This committee is often the committee of choice for compliance officers, auditors, tax accountants, financial reporting specialists, and others involved with regulatory reporting and compliance. 

The Chapter has also established several special purpose committees. In accordance with the Chapter’s By-Laws, these special purpose committees have limited membership and are appointed by the Board of Directors.

It should be clear that this structure provides opportunities to be of service to your fellow members and our industry, to meet and network with your peers in your area of specialization, and to develop your leadership skills through working with others to accomplish assigned tasks.