In the Fall of 2021, CommerceHealthcare® sponsored a focused survey conducted by the Health Management Academy (HMA), an organization for executives from the nation’s top health systems and leading companies. The HMA survey involved both quantitative polling and in-depth telephone interviews to explore current issues in patient financial experience. This report combines those findings with independent data, which delves into the current state and rising challenges of patient obligation, its impact on health system revenue, crucial implications for patient financial experience and several recommendations to address the issues.
Access the report to learn more around how leading healthcare systems are applying successful approaches to these challenges.
Benefits reader’s will gain from this report:
Understand current state of self-pay through review of latest data.
Examine the most significant implications of rising self-pay for revenue cycle management.
Learn specific strategies to be successful in revenue cycle management as patient obligation continues to increase.
Read why the survey highlighted integrated management teams as vital to addressing the issues.
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