Labor Cost Management

Director/Manager of Reimbursement

July 16, 2015 2:01 pm

Average Cash Compensation $127,000
Average gross annual salary $121,200
Percentage eligible for bonus or profit sharing 56%
Average bonus or profit sharing $10,400
Median Cash Compensation $120,000
Percentage reporting directly to an officer 65%
Percentage reporting to a mid-level manager 29%
Number of Participants 246
Average Age 51
Average Years Experience in Healthcare 26
Average Years Member of HFMA 17
Average Years in Current Position 9
Average Number of Employees Under Direction 6
Median Number of Employees Under Direction 3
CERTIFICATIONS Percentage Compensation
CPA 26% $135,000
FHFMA or CHFP 18% $129,000
EDUCATION Percentage Compensation
Bachelor’s Degree 62% $126,000
Master’s Degree 33% $131,300
TITLE Percentage Compensation
Manager 38% $103,900
Director 59% $144,600
ORGANIZATION TYPE Percentage Compensation
Hospital with 206 beds or less 11% $106,300
Hospital from 210 to 377 beds 11% $111,600
Hospital from 380 to 523 beds 12% $124,700
Hospital with 525 beds or greater 11% $131,300
System level, headquarters or regional 52% $134,200
GENDER Percentage Compensation
Men 54% $131,700
Women 45% $121,200
Less than or equal to $152 million 21% $113,000
From $153 million to $449 million 21% $117,700
From $450 million to $1,200 million 22% $134,000
Greater than or equal to $1,265 million 21% $150,800
YEARS IN HEALTHCARE Percentage Compensation
Less than or equal to 20 Years 25% $105,200
From 21 to 26 Years 20% $119,300
From 27 to 33 Years 25% $131,200
More than or equal to 34 Years 23% $128,100
Less than or equal to .5 Employee 17% $113,500
From 1 to 2.5 Employees 33% $117,900
From 3 to 5 Employees 27% $133,200
More than or equal to 5.5 Employees 24% $142,300
REGION Percentage Compensation
Northeast 33% $124,300
South 24% $135,800
Midwest 29% $118,500
West 14% $136,100
YEARS IN HFMA Percentage Compensation
Less than or equal to 9 Years 24% $104,000
From 10 to 15 Years 24% $127,500
From 16 to 24 Years 28% $132,500
More than or equal to 25 Years 24% $142,500

All of the participants have titles indicating mid-management responsibilities. Most titles include the word “reimbursement.” Compound titles such as “reimbursement and budget” are not uncommon.

246 reimbursement managers and directors responded to the survey, out of 599 sampled, resulting in a response rate of 41%.

There is 95% probability that the mean compensation for directors and managers of reimbursement in HFMA lies between $122,300 and $131,700.


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