Central Ohio Chapter

President’s Message

Dear Members of the Central OH HFMA Community,

As I step into the role of President for this distinguished chapter, I am filled with a profound sense of responsibility and excitement. COHFMA has long been a beacon of excellence, collaboration, and innovation in the healthcare financial management sector. It is my honor to lead us through another transformative year.

My vision for this year is centered around supporting the three core pillars of the Association: Value, Engagement, and Innovation, with a strong emphasis on fostering a sense of belonging within our community.

COHFMA aims to provide value across all types of membership. In alignment with The Association’s enhanced focus on Enterprise Member Value, COHFMA will take strategic steps to engage, involve, and capture local and regional enterprise event attendance. During the last fiscal year, COHFMA equipped our chapter leadership team with centralized, documented policies and procedures manual that will continue to be updated and reviewed regularly alongside beginning to solicit feedback from our volunteers on their satisfaction level as they are intimately involved in the operations of our chapter.

This will enhance our knowledge and efforts as we develop a new way to communicate our Chapter Committee volunteer opportunities & onboard first-time leaders through the initiative titled “Advancing Our Profession: COHFMA Committees & Opportunities.”

Finally, and in my opinion the most critical to our success, is to continue to foster a sense of belonging. We will strive to create an environment where every member feels valued, respected, and connected. By promoting inclusivity and actively seeking diverse perspectives, we can ensure that all voices are heard and that our community remains welcoming and supportive.

I invite each of you to actively participate in our chapter’s activities. Your engagement is crucial to our success. Whether it’s through attending events, volunteering your time, or sharing your expertise, your contributions will help us achieve our shared goals and foster a deeper sense of belonging.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to our previous leadership for their dedication to helping us arrive where we are today and the entire volunteer base for their unwavering dedication and hard work. Their efforts have set a strong foundation upon which we will continue to build.

Together, we can navigate the complexities of healthcare finance and drive positive change. I am excited about what we will accomplish in the coming year and look forward to working alongside all of you.


Kayla J. Howell
Central Ohio HFMA Chapter President
VP, Business Development, Revecore

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