About Connecticut Chapter

The Connecticut Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association is a professional membership organization for individuals in financial management of healthcare institutions and related patient organizations.

Today, our Connecticut chapter is comprised of more than 350 members from across the state. These members are included in the larger national membership total of hundreds of thousands of colleagues from all 50 states who all strive to meet the many demands of this complex landscape we know as healthcare finance. As members, we are vital stakeholders in the continued collaboration and shared knowledge across a diverse network of leaders, systems, providers and payers. Each and every one of us contributes to the collective mission of financial viability in our field.

As always, there is quite a bit of activity afoot courtesy of your chapter leadership team and its engaged group of volunteers. Improvement activities abound, and the dedicated team behind the scenes continues to make your experience with our chapter the best it can be. We also continue to research the most top-of-mind subjects in the industry today so that we can bring education to you that is both relevant and timely.

With mounting pressures both federally and within our state, it is even more critical that we continue to leverage our membership to preserve a stable local healthcare foundation for the future. During this pivotal and increasingly uncertain time in healthcare, your participation and engagement within the Connecticut Chapter of HFMA is essential. We are stronger together and can collectively learn more by sharing one another’s knowledge and expertise.

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