Georgia Chapter

President’s Welcome

Dear Georgia HFMA members,

I am deeply honored and humbled to serve as the President of the Georgia Chapter of HFMA for 2024-2025.  Kudos to Adam Gobin, our outgoing chapter president, and all our chapter leaders and volunteers for a successful ’23 – ’24 membership year.  The energy and enthusiasm instilled new growth to our chapter creating engagement of new volunteers to our committees and board. We had exceptional in-person educational events, initiated a new webinar series EmpowerU for professional development, brought back the provider roadshow in rural North Georgia and hosted many networking events.  Many of our members were able to get their CPAR and other HFMA certifications, continuing education requirements and experience fun opportunities to network, be thankful, and ‘give back’ to the community.  I have big shoes to fill this upcoming year and I’m excited (and a little nervous!) to lead such an amazing group of leaders.  I also want to thank our corporate and event sponsors as we depend on their support to run a high performing chapter.

Adam’s theme of Crazy, Rebellious, Genius – really got us thinking differently and more creatively about how to deliver value to our membership.  And our board and volunteers really stepped up to the plate and we won the Chapter Success Award for Innovation!  So, this year we are taking that to the next level of putting a dent in the universe and not letting complacency be the reason for failure.  This year’s theme is Go Beyond Survive…Thrive! 

One of our key priorities will be to continue to enhance our educational programs and professional development opportunities. By investing in continuous learning and skill-building, we can empower our members to stay ahead of industry trends, embrace new technologies, and deliver value-driven solutions to the challenges we face – all needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.

I invite you to attend our events, participate in our programs and engage with fellow members, so we can work together to elevate our organizations, our communities, and ourselves.  If you are interested in serving your chapter in any way, a number of micro to macro ways to support the efforts are available. Visit our Georgia Volunteer Opportunities page to find out more!

I challenge you to make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to the Georgia Chapter.  Now let’s Rise Up!


Monica Agate
Georgia HFMA President 2024-2025

Georgia HFMA Podcast Series

Certified Patient Account Representative (CPAR)

Equips healthcare financial professionals with the knowledge necessary to be a high achieving member of a healthcare organization’s revenue cycle division.


We would like to thank all of our Corporate Sponsors for making a financial commitment to our Chapter and we ask that all members make a special effort to thank them for their continued support and include them in the RFP process when applicable.

Connect with us!

– Monica Agate, Chapter President 2024-2025