Virginia-DC Chapter

President’s Message

As I step into the role of President of the Virginia-DC chapter of the HFMA, I am humbled and excited to embark on this journey of growth and progress together with each of you.  Our mission at HFMA is clear: to provide unparalleled education and resources that empower healthcare professionals to navigate the complexities of our ever-evolving industry. 

Our theme for 2024-2025, “Sempre Avanti” – Always Forward, reminds me of my personal journey and the demand for constant progress in the industry we serve.  I’ve grown from a JMU student, intern at UVA hospital, fledgling finance professional, and dealt with the uncertainty of Bon Secours’ transition on my way to my current position as Reimbursement Director at Wellspan Health.  Along the way, the network of friends I have built within HFMA, and educational resources have guided me to take steps forward in my career, embracing new challenges and opportunities for growth.

In the coming months, the Virginia-DC HFMA Board and business partners are dedicated to maintaining our chapter’s reputation for education excellence and fostering real connections.  Our members span from aspiring healthcare professionals to seasoned experts and require education ranging from basics of healthcare policy to technological innovations shaping the landscape of healthcare finance.  We aim to grow our membership within academic communities, make college visits, offer virtual workshops, and present webinars and multi-day conferences in support of the unique needs of our chapter.  Starting this year, HFMA is offering some free student memberships for enrolled undergraduate and graduate students as a testament to its mission. 

I encourage each of you to actively engage with Virginia-DC HFMA, to seize the multitude of resources at your disposal, and to cultivate meaningful connections with your peers across the region.  Together, we possess the collective expertise and passion to drive positive change and move forward in a new era of healthcare.

Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of serving as your President!


Karen Garner
President, Virginia-DC HFMA

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